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For the Glory of God

Expository Preaching --Discipleship -- Great Commission

Why we do what we do
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Why we are a Kingdom Minded Community

Everything we do, we do for the glory of God. We believe in being set apart and equipped for God's service. The way that we are set apart and equipped for God's service is that we are missionally engaged,  live intentional discipleship, and we develop our leaders. We gather every Sunday. Want to join us?


Our Vision

We exist  to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ through discipleship, the Great Commission, and the unashamed preaching of Biblical truth.


 Our Commitment

Our Commitment is "People Over Programs."
Love thy neighbor as thyself. This is not only a central tenant of Christianity, it may be the one that guides all else. To treat others with respect, kindness, and love is what we strive for, every day, in everything we do. 

 Our Services 

 Morning Worship Services are at
10:15 am each week in the Main Sanctuary. 
Nursery will be provided.
Sunday School for All Ages | 9:00 am  
Sunday Night Discussion & Prayer Group
6 pm at West Hills Baptist.

Wednesday Bible Study

In-depth Bible Study - 7 pm each week in the Main Sanctuary

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